Housing is a Human Right

Housing is a Human Right

FPGROC has developed a presentation and discussion guide to aid your congregation or group in further understanding housing as a human right. Based on our vision and grounded in family-centered, trauma-informed, and antiracist principles, the presentation and discussion guide can be used together or separately and the discussion guide can be presented with or without FPGROC facilitators.

Housing is a Human Right presentation adaptable to:

  • In-person or video/Zoom call

  • Setting - during religious service, adult forum, or weekday evening gathering, etc.

  • Group size

  • Group emphasis/interest

Presentation and Discussion Guide include:

  • Defining affordable, decent, and equitable housing

  • Rochester statistics on poverty and housing

  • The connection between stable housing and stable communities

  • What you can do

complete the form to learn more or schedule a presentation.